Using Figma Variants with react-figma

The original post

TL;DR Give me a code!

Variants is an amazing new feature of Figma, which lets you combine variations of the same component β€” simplifying the asset panel and mapping components more closely to code.

Figma Variants, source:

We were waiting for their launch since the announcement and started the implementation of Variants support in react-figma right after the Figma API Version 1, Update 18 release. Figma API got several new APIs:

ComponentSet component

We added a new component for Figma Variants support: the ComponentSet. It’s accepts a set of Component nodes as the children prop. We created an example with a button that has three variants: primary, dangerous, and secondary:

<ComponentSet name="Button">
<Component name="variant=Primary">
<PrimaryButton text="Primary" />
<Component name="variant=Dangerous">
<DangerousButton text="Dangerous" />
<Component name="variant=Secondary">
<SecondaryButton text="Secondary" />

(see complete code here)

You can try the result of the rendering here or watch a demo gif:

Demo Gif


Variants are a really useful feature, especially for design systems creation. So, enjoy it with react-figma too!

Happy coding! πŸ™Œ

